On-page experience is vital to quality consumer interaction. Consequently, website performance is one of the prime indicators of quality on-page experience.

Businesses tend to focus primarily on the design and content of the website. Yet, performance is an equally important indicator of on-page experience.

The core web vitals are the parameters to test the website’s performance. It is Google’s initiative to help businesses estimate and improve their on-page capabilities. There are three core web vitals. Let us discuss them in brief.

LCP (Largest Contentful Paint)  

The LCP is an indicator of the website’s loading performance. It is the time taken by the largest website element to load. The faster the website, the better the consumer experience. A loading time of 2.5 seconds or less is supposed to be good. LCP accounts for 25% of the total website performance score.

Want your website to load faster? 

There can be numerous reasons for passive website speed. The primary among them is the ponderous website images and the code inefficiency. Here is how you can resolve them.

Lighten images: – The lighter the image, the easier it is for search engines to load them. Use the following guidelines to make your images load faster.

  • Use compression tools to compress images.
  • Use the lightest image format.

Code Inefficiency 

Inefficient code can sometimes obstruct the loading of heavy website elements. For example, if an image is classified as the background image. In this case, the browser may not prioritize its loading. For such resources, you can preload them to increase your LCP score.

FID (First Input Delay)

Have you ever visited a website and tried to navigate, and it didn’t respond? It is a classic case of first input delay. The first input delay is the time taken by your website in responding to the first user input. In other words, it is the time frame between the appearance and your website’s functional availability.

It is a measure of your website’s interactivity. An FID of 100 milliseconds or less is considered good.

Want your website to be more interactive?

A non-interactive website can deliver a bad first impression to your visitors. It can skyrocket your bounce rates. Here are some steps you can take to decrease your first input delay: –

  • Reduce the impact of third-party code.
  • Optimize your JavaScript execution time.
  • Host your website close to your targeted demographics.

CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)

Cumulative layout shift refers to the instability of website elements. Have your ever been reading an article, and suddenly an ad appears and displaces the text? Or you try to click a certain button, but the interface moves, and you end up clicking on something you didn’t intend to. A CLS of 0.1 milliseconds or less is considered good.

In other words, anytime a website element changes, its initial position comes under a cumulative layout shift.

What causes cumulative layout shifts? 

There can be many reasons for unstable website elements. Some of the most common ones are as follows:

  • Dimensionless images
  • Ads, third-party embeds, and dimensionless frames
  • Unstable website text causing FOIT, FOUT.

Want your website to be stable? 

An unstable website can deliver hindered consumer experience. Use the following guidelines to eradicate cumulative layout shifts and amaze your visitors.

  • Always specify width and height attributes for media on your website.
  • Prioritize static ads and avoid using non-sticky ads.
  • Track and eradicate collapsing space when no ads are shown to the visitor.

What are the best tools for measuring and reporting core web vitals? 

It is vital to know the right tools to measure your website’s performance. They help you analyze and improve your website’s potential. Some of the most popular ones are as follows:

  • Chrome User Experience Report
  • PageSpeed Insights
  • Search Console (Core Web Vital Report).


Ensuring quality consumer experience is vital for higher SERP rankings. While many businesses talk about website appearance and aesthetics, they ignore its performance. Yet, it is every bit as important as website appearance.

Core web vitals are Google’s initiative that helps businesses measure their website’s performance. Apart from website speed, core web vitals also cover the interactivity and stability of website elements. One must leverage them to enhance website performance and ensure a better visiting experience.

Published On: January 18, 2023 / Categories: Search Engine Optimization /